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Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

that is a possibility @MDT and the heat making you tired isnt all that helpful either. Do you think for tonight you could put your worries aside and do something relaxing and have an early bed to recharge abit?

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Well it was worth a try @MDT think things Ive done over my life were partially fact based at best. I do have regrets sometimes tho. What is so bad about doing it? Says me Im like Goldilocks with jobs am back at same site/job walked away from months ago after getting hump w supervisor. If I could have got thru ok doubtful.. would be cashed up to eyeballs now. He is on Nightshift but saw him 1st day he put on a show of saying hello then laughike smile on face like haha I got him or isnt he an idiot. Well sometimes the idiot is the one without the money in bank. Anyway bad analogy prob cos I dont know why I ever A chose this work or B didnโ€™t get out while going was still good ie 6 years ago .. lol

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Lots of nice women in Poland @MDT sorry for triviality

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I'm just playing pc atm @outlander
Might see if there is a soccer match on later. As I said, Relationships are always on my mind now too

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Live and learn I guess @TAB

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

sorry i missed that post @MDT
what is it about relationships thats on your mind?

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

lol @TAB yeh true there was, except i won't be in Poland xD

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Yea even at my age @MDT but I couldnโ€™t stand it. Perhaps learn by Living ... backatchta ... lol .... ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŽฉ

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Just that I sometimes think because I am 25 I should be focusing on that. I've never even had a single gf... @outlander

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

... Live Long and Prosper ๐Ÿ–– @MDT ๐Ÿ˜ธ