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Stuff going wrong

There's just too much rubbish going on today.

- I was part of a mistake at work that is going to annoy the customer and cause problems.

- I have been waiting just under 2 wks to find out info about something and still dunno when I'll find out and it's been stressing me out.

- I need to find something to do at work for the next couple of days.

- Our work team and its future is screwed up at the moment.

- I'm feeling kind of sick today.


Re: Stuff going wrong

Sorry cant help much @TheVorticon just posting random pics on  Industry ... Take them anyway that works for you.

IndustryIndustryShellmakers - LaveryShellmakers - LaveryThe KnifegrinderThe Knifegrinder


Re: Stuff going wrong

Thanks @Appleblossom


Re: Stuff going wrong

Found it @TheVorticon Smiley Happy

It does seem like you have a fair bit going on and waiting to hear things is tough. I am waiting to hear where I will be next year but I probably won't know until late in January which doesn't give me much time to get things together. Sometimes we just have to sit with those things as when we can't doanything about the waiting it is all we can do.

The customer thing will eventually blow over - mistakes do happen and all you can do is hope that the outcome is not too bad - hard I know but it is what it is and you can't change what happened now.

Not good that you are feeling kinda sick today - do you think that has something to do with all the pressure you seem to be under with work stuff?

Re: Stuff going wrong

I just wish I knew when I would find out, cause that would be helpful. They may never reply, who knows. Smiley Indifferent

That's annoying that it's such short notice with the schools though @Zoe7 and it does seem like it would make things difficult to plan for.

I don't think the sick feeling is exclusively to do with work stuff but it wouldn't be helping. I don't normally feel like this when I'm feeling stressed or nervous.

Re: Stuff going wrong

Hope you are not coming down with something @TheVorticon that would totally suck with everything else you are dealing with. The waiting is hard - for both of us - but I hope you do get an answer and soon.

Re: Stuff going wrong

Today has been really tough. 

I followed up with the waiting thing this morning and got a really disappointing "haven't been able to get an answer" - answer from the reception. It was really not what I wanted to hear and has sent me into a pretty self-destructive spiral.


They later called back and gave me a real answer and luckily I wasn't too far down the spiral that I did manage to answer the phone and hear the answer. It has slightly put a limit on how far the spiral might go but I'm still dealing with wanting to SH.

Great way to head into the holidays. :'(

Re: Stuff going wrong

That sounds terribly tricky @TheVorticon sorry the answer wasn't what you had hoped but maybe what you expected. I hope you can stop that spiral somewhat and pull yourself up out of it a bit. Here sitting with you @TheVorticon Heart

Re: Stuff going wrong

Thanks @Zoe7.
The answer itself wasn't too bad, just annoying. But the non-answer before it dredged up way too much stuff.
I can counter it with logic but it's not about logic. It's about being rejected, unwanted, a waste of time/space/breath, invisible, forgotten, worthless.

Re: Stuff going wrong

That is so hard to be feeling @TheVorticon but I hope you know youm are none of those things - you are valued and wanted here and despite that being little consolation for what you have been made to feel through your work it is good that you feel comfortable enough here to stay connected. It sounds like work is extra sucky right now anyway - how long do you have off over the christmas period?