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Re: Stuff going wrong

Today has been so stressful and not much has even been going on. 

Smiley Indifferent I really can't do this.

Re: Stuff going wrong

I dunno why I'm so stressed out. 😞 Just sitting, listening to music and slow breathing wasn't even helpful and had to do something destructive to cope. At least today I'm going to go do some stuff alone and hopefully that won't be stressful.

Re: Stuff going wrong

It is the time of the year @TheVorticon - I think we feel the pressure of the festive season even when we think we shouldn't. I hope you get the things done today that you want to. I have mowed both the front and back yards so my list is under way for today. I am hedaing off to the cricket in a couple of hours so need to get my butt moving to do the other things I need to do. I was hoping to cut Toby's hair so he looks gorgeous (even more than he does now lol) for Christmas but may need to tackle that when I get home from the cricket. It won't be a super late night as the cricket starts at 3.45pm - depending on the traffic we should be home by about 8 tonight.

Re: Stuff going wrong

Thanks @Zoe7 you might be right. I think it's trying to meet my partner's expectations around this time of year that is the most stressful thing about it. I successfully let them know that I needed some time out for myself today which was good.
Spent that time getting my family's xmas presents. Just some DVDs, kind of random ones that might not even be good but whatever, I tried. 😛
Well done on getting all the mowing done. I hope you're having a good time at the cricket. 🙂

Re: Stuff going wrong

Great that you had some time to yourself @TheVorticon and great that you let your partner know you needed it - that is impressive. 

It was incredibly hot at the cricket - it was still 32 degreesm at 6pm but it felt even hotter at the ground. I managed to get myself burnt despite copious amounts of sunscreen being constantly applied - one of my meds makes it easier for me to burn so it will mean applying the cream I have tonight and then again in the morning - hope that helps.

In case I don't connect eith you again before tomorrow I hoe the day is an easy one for you will no stress - Merry Christmas to you and your family - and I hope the year ahead is better for you 🎄😍

Re: Stuff going wrong

That's annoying that you still got sunburned despite the sunscreen @Zoe7. I have skin that gets sunburned easily (I often joke that I could get sunburned by moonlight) so I get what that's like. Hopefully it's not too bad and the cream helps.

Hope you have a merry Christmas with Toby, Cat and your family too 🙂

Re: Stuff going wrong

Thanks @TheVorticon I think I better head to bed soon - a big day tomorrow so will need to be well rested. Goodnight buddy Smiley Very Happy

Re: Stuff going wrong

Spent too much time thinking this morning. I was thinking about how I would prepare if I went back to my old psych - what things worked/helped last time, what things weren't working. The biggest problem from my perspective was how invalidating I am about my experiences. I'm not sure if I've improved on that at all cause I got completely caught up in that again as I was thinking about it. 

Re: Stuff going wrong

Is it you invalidating your experiences for yourself @TheVorticon or was it your psych invalidating them - there is a big difference.

Re: Stuff going wrong

It was me invalidating them for myself @Zoe7. My psych and I didn't work out a way around it at the time because I couldn't verbalise stuff about it.