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Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Hi @Soulman  and everyone else here.  Soulman it took me 1 1/2 years to get accepted and I fully understand how demoralising the whole process is.  Long story short it sounds like it's time for you to do a "Request for a review of a reviewable decision" as NDIS calls it, i.e. an internal review.  You have to do this first before you can get the Administrative Appeals Tribunal involved for an external review - they can override NDIS decisions but it takes a hearing with them to do it.  I strongly recommend looking at the areas of 'functional effects of psychosocial disability' - there are 5 and a helpful report needs to address them specifically.   I think there's also a new assessment form on their website that assesses psychosocial impact specifically.  You are probably also eligible for a disability advocate - you can google them for the state you live in.  Mine was invaluable and also got me a legal aid solicitor involved.  I also had reports up the wazoo, but as we learned their language they got more specific.  When you get declined they tell you the parts of the Act that you do not satisfy and to get accepted you need reports that specifically address those items.   I really encourage you to get an OT involved - there are MH specific OT's out there, as well as the therapists already reporting for you if you haven't already.  And also encourage you to continue to fight for your rights.  Be angry and use that energy to push on if you at all can.   Before they introduce the 'independent assessors' that they are in the media for this week.  Don't even start me on that!!!


If you want to ask me anything fire away.  If I don't know I'll try to find out for you.  I have a disability alliance in my area that are also priceless.  Resourceful and supportive, a group run for and by ppl with all types of disability.  So if I need to I can ask them anything I don't know about it.


I'll be back after the weekend.  Tag me by typing @ and then my name and a drop down box will show where you can click on my name.  Hang in there!  I've now had NDIS funding for 2 years + and it's changed my life for the better for sure.  Worth the fight in the outcomes.  But I don't wish that battle on anyone.  The NDIS eventually caved and accepted me 2 days before the hearing was scheduled, so as to prevent my case becoming a precedent.  I have complex PTSD and bipolar 1 which impact heavily on each other.

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Thank you @eth I appreciate your support. 


I am just so very tired every day to keep normal living things under control. Least of all managing enough energy to fight. I will look into a advocate although that's what arafmi were suppose to be doing for me. ☹️😫😩

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

I hear you @Soulman - you need NDIS support to get the NDIS support! 

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Hi @Soulman  and @Kelpie @Bed101 @Teej @Eve7   I'm back from my weekend away and around for a bit today if any of you want to chat or have NDIS questions (or any others).   

Soulman I think a disability advocate would be invaluable in your situation.  

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Welcome back @eth  I hope you were able to relax.


Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Hello, Been there and it was awful and so was the NDIS meeting. I think it's a general consensus they are not consistent. 5 people with Mental Illness and they all give you different answers. Maybe they do a test of their system where people are told no and see what the result is. This is my 2nd Funding Review I had and not happy but the Supports around me are saying you did well cause others have not had such a good amount. Its $1400 less but what the OT get drumming into me for the previous plan when we get next plan we will get you bigger ticket items from Assisted Technology Level 3 and Level 4. So I get those in my Support but my OT says not a good idea for some rubbish about not helpful. I've had this longer than 2 years and why not. The OT came to my house chargered near $800. Why don't I have a voice when it comes to my knowledge of what I feel not her. Maybe I should have started my own blog. NDIS were terrific if you go buy smaller ticket because you can have funding under amount NDIS allows. You would not believe how I had to battle and I'm at Disability Advocate. I find somethings not right then you find more issues. I'm going to go down kicking. Advice for them keep knocking on their door. I was knocked back and fortunately I have a Psychiatrisrt is gifted with the GAB with letters.  

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Have you tried a mental health advocate?

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Oh boy I'm hearing you 

Perhaps you need a new Provider.

Can I ask if you come under Psychosocial? You don't have to tell me any thing personal. 

I'm under Psychosocial level 3. I have absolutely no support no OT recovery coach or a support worker completely isolated.I am a support worker in recovery unfortunately and have learner enough to navigate through the NDIS.

I might be able to guide you.

Stay strong you will be ok