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NDIS and Complex PTSD

Hey All


i am getting very unmotivated as a result of a couple of applications to NDIS, I was wondering if others have similar experiences with this? 

I struggle in most elements of my life from basic house maintenance, shopping through to looking after myself with eating properly and exercise just to name the basics. As a result of medications, lack of energy, focus  and emotional responses to certain lifestyle things I have high blood pressure, cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

Majoriry of days I find a struggle to prioritise just to try and have a proper meal let alone a healthy one. Often exhausted most days by 10 or if I am lucky later. 

Despite these things NDIS continue to reject my application, I feel robbed. I need help and support and yet they aren't willing to help. 

Can anyone help? 

Not applicable

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Hi @Soulman , firstly nice to meet you.


My husband and my metal health team have started an application for NDIS for me and what a mess it is. Hubby did a course for an area coordinator to help him better understand what NDIS is looking for. I know it has helped us out a bit, my application is not yet complete but here is what he has told me that maybe you should try. We are going for funding under psychosocial aspect as I have DID and C-PTSD. He kept it simple so I could do my best to explain a little to you.


NDIS should tell you why they rejected your application.

Most times it is that the doctor and or mental health teams report have not enough detail ( some times you will need to educate your team on what you need the reports to say).

The reports need to be based on what NDIS call psychosocial - Google psychosocial you will find good info to give to your specialist.Your condition has to be considered a life long condition and you have tried all treatments recommended. Generally that is the main reasons for the rejection of an application, also how you worded or you team worded your application can also have an impact on it. 


I hope this has been useful for you 


Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Hi @Soulman  I am sorry to hear about your struggles with depression which is being complicated by your application to NDIS.

All I can suggest is that you get as many medical reports as possible to support your application and be very clear about your goals. Ask for more than you want and then be prepared to negotiate down to what you really need.

Good Luck!

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Thank you and yes I have had ARAFMI team where I live work in the process.. I have applied twice now through them. I have letters and documents to the roof from a psychiatrist, psychologist, Counselor, doctors and even from Arafmi. 
I can't do this on my own it's near impossible for me to have the focus to fill out basics. So frustrating. The team here have let me down making all the promises in the world only to now be overwhelmed with work, role changes etc very annoyed because I had faith in them. I even had a friend who is an NDIS provider doing nutrition and PT type stuff run it by his people he knows. They said I have little chance now because of previous applications. 
I have spoke to a representative who was reviewing my application to explain my day to day which was met with "oh sir you can probably get connected in the community to get support doing the things you require..." well stuff me isn't that what the NDIS is providing a foundation to be able to get the support?? I am sooo worked up. I have just come home from getting groceries where I lost the plot doing it, I am down on energy to the point I now have to simply sit down, I will have to order dinner through Uber because I didn't have energy to do my kitchen and not do I have it in me to cook dinner. 
I am so over it.. all I am asking is to have a semi life.. not even normal and they can't help me. 

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

That's what everyone did please read other reply. I have very detailed reports. It's like they haven't even read them or they don't hVe the ability to interpret/process all the information, 


i am nor racist but the guy handling my application who phoned me was Indian. I think things may be lost in translation with not only my application but in his training as well. because the reason for the rejection actually is met in the application. When I read the rejection letter and why I thought "did they actually read anything?" 

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Did you make your requests specific? @Soulman If you have costs worked out and can match what you need to your disability you should be able to get what you need. 

It is complicated but if ou can get it right it will be easier from thereon.

I am sorry it's so difficult for you but maybe find someone who has had their plan approved and chat to them about it. Don't give up xox

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

@Eve7 @I know what you are saying but I haven't even got to the planning stage. My request to get that far was denied 😩😩

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Hi @Soulman I'm hearing you but I'm afraid I don't have any experience with ndis. I'm going to tag @eth who if feeling up to it may be able to respond. If she is unable to you may want to read her thread about her experiences  Anyone started with the NDIS . I hope you find some of that helpful. 

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

sorry its being such a struggle. my best advice is try and get a detailed OT report. it really helped my application from my psych and psychologist reports.
I know its hard, and I hope you get what you need.

Re: NDIS and Complex PTSD

Thank you @Bed101 @I appreciate the feedback. I will do that. I was reading the forum @Teej suggested and have found it very helpful that was one of the things that popped up as well. 

Everyone here is amazing so thankyou! 

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