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Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

I'd remind myself what Dory says "just keep swimming"... very very important!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

I understand @ViperPixie
I think you'll find these Forums really helpful to connect with others. So I hope you keep coming and visiting the Forums chat and get to know other members.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

I'd say to my younger self: Don't let it hold you back. Do what you want, follow your dreams.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

I think if I had the opportunity to meet my younger self I don't think I would even be able to comprehend what my older self was telling me. Even in my wildest thoughts I could never imagine what goes on in my head

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

Good point @ViperPixie. I wouldn't have listened to my older self when I was younger. That's if I even understood it.
Re hope - for me it's nothing about religion or all that stuff. It's the understanding that things can get better.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST


I can't believe that! Time does fly. That's everyone for all the great insight! 🙂

If you had the opportunity to meet your younger self, when you were first diagnosed, what would you like to tell them?

I would tell her that no matter how hopeless you feel, or how impossible the current situation is, it will get easier. Don't give up on yourself!

That mental illness cloud in your head may make it feel impossible to see any worthwhile future for yourself, but one day you'll be able to use your experiences to help others and that will give you a whole new sense of fulfilment and purpose. That feels so out of reach right now but keep taking those small steps and one day you'll look back and realise how far you've come.

Finally, do what is best for you and your mental health, no matter what anyone says. Don't listen to the people who try to silence you. Keep talking about and advocating for mental health, and most importantly, know that there is always hope.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

@Former-Member I guess hope for me isn't religion or anything either I'm just very cautious of it because it can have damaging effects in some situations. I've had hope and thought positively before and it's just caused me more pain so maybe one day I'll make friends with "hope" again

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

great answer from a different perspective @ViperPixie

shows that you think outside of the square

you have far more to offer than you know I think

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

Thanks @Hannah93 for dropping in tonight and sharing your journey. Most insightful and inspiring!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Living with Schizophrenia // 16 May 7 - 9 AEST

Wow @Hannah93 - that was beautifully said.

I think that's the best place to leave it.

Firstly a HUGE - Thank you.gif to @Hannah93 for tonight and also all she's done in raising awareness about schizophrenia. It's inspiring!


And finally a big thanks to everyone who shared all aspects of their experiences - good and bad.



If you are looking for more information and videos about schizophrenia, check out SANE’s collection of content here