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Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

Thanks @Former-Member for sharing this, hoping I can join in on this discussion. I'm not sure if this fits within environmental wellness, or maybe across several of the 8 dimensions & is something that was once shared with me by a wise woman: That everything we absorb is "food" So the music we listen to, the movies we watch, books we read, things we wear & put on our skin etc etc. 

My thoughts: I guess our environment is also food & the type of environment = the type of food. I know I feel a lot better when I eat healthy things and listen to uplifting music and connect with some plants/animals.... So, I try to minimise the amount of 'junk' food & maximise the amount of 'health' food that I take in through all of my senses, including not being around certain places/people or watching violent movies etc...

Finances I find to be a tricky one & am often a juggling acrobat on that front. I try to affirm that I have enough for what we need. (Band U2 lyric from A Beautiful Day: What you don't have you don't need it now) and I try to live simply & be in nature as much as possible. 🙂

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Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

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@Shaz51  photography in the forest  = a wonderful way of connecting with nature.




Lovely to see you. Yes we do need to look holistically and that includes our personal environment too.😁



Feel free to join in this discussion. 

Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

very true @FindingStrength  and welcome my friend Heart

photography is soo lovely : @Former-Member , @Scoo 

yesterday i was sitting next to a lovely river relaxing and was able to take a phot of a lizard, a butterfly and a willy wagtail xxx

Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

How can I open the images?
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Re: 8 dimensions of wellness


The images go through the moderation process for approval before we can see them. For some pictures can appear quickly, others can take a good 1/2 hour or so (can vary with user). 

Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

@Former-Member, @FindingStrength , @Scoo 

at my mum`s/ grandma`s house I feel soooo relaxed

I feel I do not ever want to sell this house , sooo many memories back to the 1930`s

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Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

Places where we have felt loved hold special places in our hearts @Shaz51 .


Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

very true my @Former-Member , with inheriting my fathers house feels differnt xxx

@FindingStrength, @Scoo 

Not applicable

Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

Is there something we feel we could do to improve our environmental wellness?


I know there are things I could do. Loved  how @FindingStrength  directly mentioned our personal environment which @Scoo also referred to in her move from a toxic environment and @Shaz51  also alluded to in how her family home gives her warm feelings.  I was starting to spend too much time on a YouTube channel that was negatively impacting my sleep and have had to be intentional in stopping this.


Decluttering our home environment has been an ongoing process for myself and @Shaz51  and if anyone else struggles with this we have a discussion thread on the forum Decluttering and home maintenance . 


 Being out in nature and doing something to contribute to it also lifts my spirits. Each  time we walk the dog I see rubbish, sometimes broken glass and  a small way I could help is by picking this up and putting it in the bin.

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Re: 8 dimensions of wellness

Is there something we feel we could do to improve our environmental wellness?


Hello @Former-Member , @FindingStrength , @Scoo 

things that I have done to improve my environment wellness

1) have cut flowers in a vase in the kitchen ( when I remember to do so )

2) i put our small change in a container and when it full ,i go and bank it  ( mr shaz is always surprised how much is in there

3) decluttering is good in the house and the yard  and very helpful for mr shaz -- ( our place is not clean and spotless -- no way , but it is tidy )


to improve our environment wellness , yes i need to and want to do more as @FindingStrength  has done