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Senior Contributor


Today I'm grateful for...


Getting some shopping done.

A house full of food. 

A warm house.

Cups of tea. 

My Pug 

Watching the Netflix documentary about dogs.

Looking after myself. 


I think that's about it for today.

Senior Contributor


I'm starting my daily gratitude practice again.


Today I'm grateful for...


My therapist 

My Pug

Cups of tea with honey 

A warm house


Damon Albarn

The chocolate and corn chips I'm going to buy myself today. 


today i was grateful to see the afternoon sun glowing across the valley


Thankyou! I am someone who practices gratitude every morning by writing down what I am grateful for and feeling into it. Certainly creates a great mindset for the rest of the day!

Today I'm grateful for the freedom to do what I like 

I'm grateful for my veggie garden, peaceful teas and colouring in books!

I'm grateful for my family. 

I'm grateful to be pain free and to meditate in peace. 


@pinklollipop15@MDT@Arizona@Adge@HenryX Smiley Very Happy

@pinklollipop15, what vegetables are you growing ??


For me today it has been "A everything  going wrong day for me day " 

but i am "Keep on Keeping on " through it 

and then to remeber what I am grateful for is I 

have food in the fridge 

for the sun is shinning today 

sitting on my comfortable bed writting to you 

how are you all going @Jacques@Peri@Daisydreamer@cloudcore@Sophie1@Sophia1@Exoplanet@TheVorticon@The-red-centaur@Ant7@Eve7 


I’m ok @Shaz51  thanks for the tag and sorry your day hasn’t gone right.


I’m grateful for food in my fridge too and a day that’s been both sunny and windy so the washing is dry even though it wasn’t hung out until 12,




Hello @Shaz51 and everyone else


The yard is not even a semblance of a garden. However, I am looking forward to growing vegetables and flowers. Have to get everything organised first.


Best Wishes



I'm grateful for being able to tackle a little cleaning decluttering and gardening each day, rebuilding my health and confidence. 


Hi @Shaz51 so many things growing in my garden. I recently planted snow peas, spring onions, tomatoes, capsicum, garlic, onion and buk choy (both grown from cuttings), as well as some flowers that attract butterflies (its a mixed lot) and also have already growing chillis, celery, strawberries, a nice mini orange rose and aloe vera.
Today I'm grateful for the ability to study online and also grateful for my family. Thanks for asking @Shaz51.
Not applicable


Just came across this thread & thought i'd share my latest feelings of gratitude for:

  • Finding a therapy & therapist that compliments my mind, body & spirit. (Discovered about 6yrs ago & haven't looked back - had my fair share of mis-matched ones along the way)

  • My love of being in the water & being reminded of that during my therapy session last week. It had been a long time & I am so grateful for the wise re-membering & have enjoyed immersing myself in the ocean the last 4days.


Putting it out there & open to hearing others if it calls you to share? @pinklollipop15 @Shaz51 @Dimity @HenryX @Eve7