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Looking after ourselves

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @Asgard ! All the best with the interview 🙂


I think I can relate to talking too fast when nervous. I think many of us can! 


@L-B ! Hope the rest of the week goes well for you!

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @tyme, thanks for being on this journey. I'm thinking of resigning again. Can't take much more of this. Or may try for reduced hours but my employer was against this. I suppose it can't hurt to ask but I am dreading the conversation as I may need to opt for resignation if it's denied.

Re: Support for L-B

I'm sorry to hear it is so hard today. Remember you've had better days @L-B 


Remember you have asked for adjustments to be made. It sounds like they value your work in that they want to keep you. 

Re: Support for L-B

What do you think is the hardest part of the work? @L-B  Is it anxiety?

Re: Support for L-B

The schedule is gruelling. The demands and expectations to fill every moment are high,  @tyme . My anxiety doesn't help.

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @tyme ,  I requested an adjustment to my hours. The ball is now in their court.

Re: Support for L-B

Thanks @tyme  --its on next Thursday - will try not let my mouth run away with itself


Hi @L-B  -- we have already arrived at Thursday, so how are you feeling......Asgard

Re: Support for L-B

Thanks @L-B 


The funny thing is that I know that I know the answers, being able to articulate my answers is another thing.  My written English is pretty good if I do say so myself, my verbal English not so great.  Used to have a bad stammer when I was young and managed to get over it, but when I get nervous it pops its head up.......Asgard

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @L-B ,


Good on you for self-advocating 🙂

Re: Support for L-B

Well @Asgard , I am here to cheer you on! Hope you ace it!

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