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Looking after ourselves

Re: Support for L-B

Remember we are cheering you on @L-B !

Re: Support for L-B

Cheers for that @tyme.

Re: Support for L-B

Morning @Oaktree @L-B @tyme 


Well am back to normal again, my flu is clearing up and I did my interview on Thursday.  It went really well, if I do say so myself and I should hear this week -- hears hoping and fingers crossed for me.  Geez I seem to be all me me me today, don't worry its a rare event.... but lets just say am smiling.  Hope this finds you all well........Asgard

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @Shaz51 


Am doing mighty find today, my flue is clearing up and I think I did a really good interview on Thursday.  Should hear this week -- fingers crossed ......Asgard

Re: Support for L-B

have my fingers crossed for you @Asgard 🤞


I have the flu now , sore throat and coughing lots 


morning @tyme , @L-B , @Oaktree , @PeppyPatti 

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Re: Support for L-B

Oh dear @Shaz51  sorry to hear that you have the flu, ta for the crossed fingers and that coffee looks very good, will pop the kettle on.....Asgard

Re: Support for L-B

Dear @Asgard 

Oh hello 

Have you come to see the group on Good morning in lived experience ? 

@tyme @Shaz51 @L-B @Oaktree @Meowmy @Appleblossom @Tilz @Adge @Glisten @Captain24 and @Captain24 dogs who are 


Our ( I think ) our mascots

Even though @L-B is important to feel like this message is answered and @L-B is important. ... Just asking. Love your name ....

@L-B how are you today ? ❤️ 


Re: Support for L-B

Hi @Asgard , so glad you're better but sorry @Shaz51 you've been ill. Thinking of you. Thanks @PeppyPatti , I am well. 

Re: Support for L-B

Thank you ❤️ @L-B 

How has your day been xx 

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @Shaz51, coped OK with it. A bit out of my depth but got through it.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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