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Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hey there @Moonwillow 💜🌺🙂

Im so very sorry this has happened to you today - your safe space needs to be respected, and upheld without question. Nobody at all has any right to interrupt that - even if they are there to conduct maintenance or environmental assessment of any issues that might need some repair 💜🙂🌺

IMHO, your reporting of former breaches of your privacy and also reporting the enactment of discrimination you’ve described is well and truly justified. 
You have the right to escalate these matters if you’d like - any agency (especially a public one) is obliged to tell you the formal escalation process if your initial first-tier reports of malpractice aren’t acted upon and rectified, so you are then able to take it to a higher manager (and if that doesn’t work, there are several independent agencies that manage complaints). 
I hope this is helpful in some way? 

Rest assured, you did the right thing in reporting discrimination and invasion of privacy, and you absolutely have rights dearest 🙌🏻🙂🌺💜


Touching on how disruptive this is to your emotional wellbeing, this event is clearly very distressing, and I completely understand why and how your body and brain would have this reaction (C-PTSD exacerbation)…I also have C-PTSD, and it’s very difficult to manage when these kinds of things happen, along with the significant degradation of your boundaries that has happened alongside. 

I hope you can feel surrounded by friends here, who understand, and have loads of empathy. 
sitting with you, sending you a massive hug 🫂 💜🌺🙂


Re: Support for Moonwillow

Thanks so much your reply was very helpful, I appreciate it greatly!

Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hey @Moonwillow ,


So glad to see you on the forums. It is such an unfortunate circumstance that you had to go through. It is understandable you feel so triggered.


I hope you find the connection and support you deserve on the forums.

Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hi @Moonwillow

I am so sorry this has happened to you and I am so upset and angry for you.


You have every right to be upset and take this further and in no way are you overreacting, they violated your safe space and it can take a while to get that safe space back. Is it possible to request a worker that has lived experience?  explain what this experience has done to your mental health and how their employee knowingly retraumatised you? They have a duty of care to make sure their staff behave appropriately and not harm clients in anyway. 


It took my 24yo years to sleep without a something under her pillow for protection, she now feels safe enough not to need it. Are you able to or can you request that housing NSW installs a video doorbell? Have a meeting with housing NSW and put together a step by step for how to interact with you? or possibly a letter from a treating Dr, that can sledgehammer your points across to them? 


I am so sorry you have been put into this situation in the first place, no one should. 


Please keep me up to date if you like, I would like to know you are ok  

Re: Support for Moonwillow

Thanks for your kind words much appreciated! I will see how housing responds after my complaint. The person is meant to give notice I guess I’ll see what happens from my complaint.

Re: Support for Moonwillow

hello @Moonwillow
welcome to the forums

im so sorry you experienced the issues with housing and im glad that you have put in a complaint. That is very disrespectful on so many levels and you deserve to be treated so much better then that.

i do hope the next person will contact you first and treat you respectfully

Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hey @Moonwillow, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your experiences. It truly takes a lot to open up in this way 🌻

It's absolutely understandable that the interaction you had was both confronting and triggering, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's particularly upsetting that this triggering reaction came at the hands of someone who was supposed to support you, and that you were shown so much disrespect, and your feelings invalidated so badly.

You're absolutely right to be upset, and I'm sorry there was such a failure to respect you and your space.

I think you handled this situation terrifically. You have a right to protect your peace, and employ boundaries, particularly in your own space! You should be commended for enforcing those boundaries, and making a complaint seems very reasonable.

May I ask how you are travelling today? Did you end up visiting the GP?

Wishing you kindness, and hoping you treat yourself with love also 😊

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