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Daughter self harming and won’t eat solid food


 I am new to this forum. 
my 26 year old daughter has had severe psychotic illness for 3 years. She finally got better 6 months ago.

She lives with us. I am concerned she is getting unwell again, but in a different way. She is self harming by causing bruising to herself as she says she has pains all over and pinching herself helps. She also won’t eat solid foods now, only liquid for weeks as she says she is afraid she will choke on solid food and die.

She is not under any mental health team anymore , where do I turn?Grateful for any advice please 


Re: Daughter self harming and won’t eat solid food

Hi @Bettyblue64 ,


Welcome to the forums! Good on your for reaching out.


I'm sorry to hear of your daughter's sever psychotic illness.


After reading your post, do you know whether your daughter is still taking medication?


It would definitely be worthwhile making a trip back to the GP or treating doctor/s. It may be the start of another psychotic episode.


Please let us know how you go. 

Re: Daughter self harming and won’t eat solid food

Hi there @Bettyblue64 


I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. What a tough situation. I feel that it is important to seek help from her GP or other health professional soon as the eating issue sounds like a real worry. On the positive side, you know that she can get better so it can happen again. 


Also, make sure you take care of yourself. Here's a couple of link to carer's organisations that may be able to offer support for you. 


Warmest wishes


Re: Daughter self harming and won’t eat solid food

Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to my post. I do appreciate it.

my daughter was seen in ED after 9 hours in the waiting room. She has been given some ant/ psychotic meds and referred to mental health acute team so we will see how that goes. I will keep updating here 

Re: Daughter self harming and won’t eat solid food

I have just posted an update, she was seen in ED given meds to calm her - olanzipine and referred to mental health community team . Still not eating but sleeping a lot which is good for now I think , thankyou for replying to my post