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Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I can’t keep up I dunno where are you going now? @MDT

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

if it helps @MDT i havent had a relationship either. It would be a little tricky i would think to commit to a relationship right now when your going to be going overseas. long distance relationships can be hard work but not impossible so if you are wanting to try and form a relationship then i say go for it.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

the UK @TAB

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I think it's more the sense of missing out on something @outlander so many guys and girls are hooking up, dating heaps and figuring themselves out but I feel like I have had none of that. It's like cultural obsession with sex and all this, but people seem to be negligent against the consequences for people who don't have that..

Although I must say that we all have our own experiences I guess. that's just how the cookie crumbles so to speak.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

yes unfortunalty alot of society is based on our experiences esp when it comes to other people and intimacy @MDT but it all comes at different times for others and itll come for you too even if it takes a little longer. some people do the whole one night stand thing so i guess thats an option for you if your after experiences.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I don't think I'm built for that @outlander

But people must seem to think I am because of how I appear. Idk. I'm really not lol. People can be inadvertently cruel like that.

I thought about that whole one night stand thing. But it just seems really desperate... Or something.. But then there are people who don't do the one night stand thing but seem to be okay and find relationships..

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

@MDT everyone has different comfort levels, im not the sort of person to do one nighters due to the trust issue i have.

Some people may appear to think that your that sort of person but then there are others who wont. Each to their own. i wouldnt worry to much about that.

One nighters dont really seem that desparate to me tbh, its usually something that just 'happens'. everyone finds love and experiences things in their own way and time.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

thats a good way of looking at it @outlander

IT just happens. Big deal.

Well said 🙂

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

also I am just looking at historic photos.

Check this out

@outlander it is earth.. the small dot on the right

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

The universe is a big place @MDT lots to discover out there yet.