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Re: rough time

thats ok @Former-Member take a breather, have a cup of tea and relax a little. Hugs xo
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Re: rough time

@outlander I have decided that I need to use up the last of our xmas leg ham. So I have cut two thick ham steaks and will fry them. Will make up a thai style salad and I have some shop bought pasta salad in the fridge. That will do. Best go do it I guess. @eth I havent seen thst program youve been watching, but it sounds good. @Former-Member It is very difficult with L plate drivers. I have helped my nephew, and I get so uptight and tense. @Shaz51@MDT Hope your day has been ok.



Re: rough time

that sounds good @Former-Member if i wasnt lazy i would probably make something like that.

ive got my aunt over and my cousin an my pop is making me out to be a bad carer again 😞
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Re: rough time

Gee @outlander ... I would never classify you as being lazy!

And please do not allow your Pop to make you think you're a bad carer ... that is so wrong.  It reminds me there is a movie by the name of Bad Grandpa.  Have you seen it?  Its a comedy.  Not even sure why I mentioned it to be honest?  Maybe just to show you how silly it is to think you're a bad carer to your Pop.  Dont believe it my sweet.

Sherry Heart

Re: rough time

thanks @Former-Member

hes still going on about things. i cant even say anything. they are also talking about other things that my pop has had/done and ive done similar but instead of them yelling at him they are listening and talking like people. i guess that is a good thing cause hes talking to someone.
my family doesnt like me anyway, i dont know why its getting to me but i can feel tears rising so maybe i should go...

i have seen that movie, i think theres a part 2 as well but i dont really remember what happened. i watched it along time ago.

Re: rough time

its not something i needed today after another incident with people at the horses. awful person i am, dont blame them
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Re: rough time

You’re not an awful person at all @outlander Try not to let it get to you. You’re the one caring for your pop. No one else is. That’s something to be proud of. I have read how you’ve cared for him. Try and ignore it. 

How would it be if you weren’t there to care for him. How would your family and pop feel then. 



You know what I mean then re teaching to drive @Former-Member 😳😫🙃🥺

Youll understand why I need prn then  lol 

I’m way too anxious without them and then I make D anxious. So much better when I take something. 

100 hours is taking a long time. Would cost way too much to pay for that many lessons. Lessons are $60 $65

id rather take prn. She has had quite a few paid lessons. 


Re: rough time

@outlander you're not an awful person at all nor a bad carer. I don't believe that for a second.

It sounds like your family are especially hard on you. Give them the job for a day, and maybe they'll change their tune. I'm sorry it's like this for you. You certainly don't deserve it. ☹️

Re: rough time

@outlanderI am not a "carer " for my mum but I am doing everything you can think of that i am doing for my mum

my mum has been saying thing lately which is hard and then I feel guilty and I still have mr shaz and my health to think of

try not to take it to heart @outlander, I know it is hard as my mum is expecting me to be around more and then I get a lot of unwanted advice from cousins

Hello @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @eth, @MDT

Re: rough time

The tears have already started. Sh first time in 6 weeks. Im loosing it and idont know how to get control back.
I feel so sick. I just want to leave.
You know one of the things pop was talking about was a mh thing and they were so loving and kind and listening. I cant meantion it at all. The people at the paddock go quiet when i walk past or when im there even with the owner whixh i went and spoke to because a horse broke a fence and i couldnt fix it. I interupted them talking and it was awkward. And the more distressed i get the more my foot hurts and i cant even walk on the damn thing as it is.
Its a mess. My sh urges are still high as is my SI
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