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Re: Craft Corner

I really like the top one 🙂
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Re: Craft Corner

@Rubyrose1 Such a good way to de-stress. It is the one thing that I can switch off from everything that is going on around me. 

@Shaz51 💜 (As you like purple)

Re: Craft Corner

Hello @Former-Member 


Thank you for the tag and viewing of your art work. It is interesting that I had the opportunity, yesterday, of greeting the dog of friends that looks very much like the dog that you have drawn.


My dog is a Kelpie/Labrador in which the Kelpie characteristics are most prominent. She is a lovely companion. Her nature is active and spirited, though she is learning that affection is mutuallly rewarding, as well.


With Best Wishes


Not applicable

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @HenryX 

we will be having my sons Kelpie coming to live with us soon. (and cat) She is quite a nervous dog. Gets lots of exercise and is good with children but can be a bit nippy and does a little wee when excited. So we will have to do some work with her on this. Looking forward to cuddles though.

I hope you are well and not too upset with your friend on here leaving. Thinking of you Heart

Re: Craft Corner

Hello @Former-Member 


Thank you, and I very much appreciate your awareness of the situation and your expression of care and concern.


I hope that your son's Kelpie will settle easily and quickly in your company. Kelpies can be a little on the nervous side, so I do understand what you may be dealing with.


Regarding the situation of a friend, @Oaktree, leaving the forum. I would certainly be stating what others would, from time to time, feel. Firstly, expressing appreciation for the opportunity that we have had to share in each others thoughts, ideas and feelings. The feeling of loss, associated with disconnection from someone else, with whom such a special connection has existed, is difficult whether sudden, or with notice given in advance. As I hope that I have conveyed in other posts, it is really a matter for me, in this instance, to acknowledge and respect the other person's wishes, and their way of exercising legitimate and appropriate self-care.


I do believe that her wish for me, as it is mine for her, would be that the other connections that we each have, that continue and are maintained, will give each of us the best possible chances of continuing reciprocal care, nurturing and support.


And if all that sounds very theoretical, I can say, in a more personal sense, that I will miss, very much, the opportunity of continuing correspondence, with a person with whom such a connection has existed. And, this disconnection causes me considerable sadness, which I need to deal with in the best way that I can. I think that the degree of distress or sadness, when disconnection takes place, is simply a reflection of how much any interaction or relationship has meant.


Initially, I thought that I should just leave a "Support" response to your expression of comfort and concern. However, to be true to myself, and others, I then felt that being open and stating my thoughts and feelings would be the more real and appropriate option, which is consistent with my usual interactions between other members of the forum and me.


Thank You @Former-Member 

With sincere appreciation for your caring thoughts

Best Wishes


Not applicable

Re: Craft Corner

Dear Henry,

Please keep reaching out on here and with your community, there is such genuine care and concern for you and fellow forumites on here as I have also felt it. I wish I had the gift of words that you and so many have, but what I say how ever little is from the heart. As I know a support click from you is more than that.


Take care @HenryX 🌼❤️🌻

Re: Craft Corner

mosaic 2mosaic 2mosaic 1mosaic 1mosaic 2mosaic 2Hi everyone 

I know I'm not here very much but i have been creating my way through some touch situations later but I thought I would log in a share what I've been up to. SO I decised that drawing was going to be my way to get through my latest bout off depression and anxiety, I love draring with charocol and have been doing plant inspired drawing cos I guess they dont have to be perfect, less stress. After finishing a couple i decided they looked liked they would make nice mosaics 🙂 

These are only small ones but I'm going to do some larger ones as soon as I complete all my smaller one. Thought it might also be a good way to make a little bit of cash on the side aswell if people like them. Doing these have helped me keep my mind from wandering into those darker plaves that ony lead to tears but I have fought it and made myself get outside and start cutting tiles to make beautiful things instead of ffocusing on all the nasty negative stuff that has been surrounding me lately. I'll get through it  

Re: Craft Corner


Wow - they're lovely!! I think the compositions are great and the colours are making me feel happy too 😃🌸🌼🌸

Beautiful work - I agree with creating with plants, there's no pressure to be 'correct' - I like that creative and calming aspect too. 
Good luck with all your creations 🌸🌼🌸🌻

Re: Craft Corner

@Rubyrose1  they are soo awesome my friend xx

Hello @ArtistZ@HenryX@KEJ Smiley Very HappyHeart

Re: Craft Corner

Thank you @ArtistZ  very much for you kind comment, It is so hard to get myself  motivated to start on anything at the moment but as soon as I get myself out there and start messing around with colours I'm away, Ididnt realise that doing something creative was actually classed as meditation until I read something today on Pinterest. so I'm glad that I have accomlished not one thing on my self care list, but two  that I've made for myself without even realising ! 

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