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Re: Good Morning!

@Adge@Shaz51 I am off to bed. wishing you both a good night's sleep. love greenpea xx

Re: Good Morning!

The alarm would not stay off @greenpea

Now it's useless (disconnected), until I can somehow schedule a repairman - when I will be at work, not at home...

My brain is fried, so I can't problem-solve the situation....


Re: Good Morning!

Goodnight @greenpea Sleep tight, & don't let the Bed Bugs bite...


Re: Good Morning!

That would have been an emotional time  @Former-Member. I hope you are alright? 

My mum regimes one of my dogs while I was in hospital last year.  I had 3 dogs and wasn't coping with that many. 

I hope tomorrow starts being a more positive day for you. 

Re: Good Morning!




Hello. How are you tonight?

Re: Good Morning!

Good evening  @eudemonism. Quiet night for me.  Almost ready for bed.  I hope you had a good day 

Re: Good Morning!

Thank you @frog


So tired.

So very very tired.

Re: Good Morning!

@utopia yea not to bad... looking forward to some sleep... the best bit about sleep, is the fact, that i have nothing to worry about for a few hours...

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member you are a great encourager. Keep up the wonderful work I am sure you have brought good cheer into many hearts. Have a really great day yourself. Take care. xox
Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!


Illustration of people sitting and standing

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