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Re: Good Morning!

@Bill16 yes because I laugh at all your jokes 🙂 hahahaha! and I like your car. Are you in any groups like car enthusiasts groups? That would be a great way to meet up with women. 

Re: Good Morning!


Re: Good Morning!

Yeah I guess so

Re: Good Morning!

@Bill16 Adge has tried online dating so far hasn't had much luck but it is a possibility. I worry about TABs too get him out dating too. All the guys should be out dating instead of talking to a pea.

Re: Good Morning!

@Bill16 is that your car? because if it is I would go on a date with you to have a ride really fast in that car. Lots of women would. Plus you are funny, nice and polite you just have to get out there 🙂

Re: Good Morning!


Haha I like @greenpea but

Re: Good Morning!

That car is a head turner,pity I blew the motor up

Re: Good Morning!

There is a thread which someone started .... a singles thread .... you should try and find it .... @Bill16 you are not alone my friend boot. A lot of single mi people out there in the real world.


It is terrible though just the thought of getting into a really fast car has got the pea going a lil but hyper .... possibly due to the fact I have dropped a bit of medications to lose some weight 😛

Re: Good Morning!

@Bill16 Oh no! How did you blow up the motor??

Re: Good Morning!

Do many skiddeez @greenpea

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