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Something’s not right

Re: D.I.D....

Sitting with you too @Smc ..... 😔💜💐💕

Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D....

Ta Peoples.

I wish she could see both how much value her life has, to her, to us, and to others; and that she could see it's possible to find her way out of the living nightmare she's drifted in to. 😞 I don't know if she feels any hope that the struggling will end with her still alive. Meanwhile, we're very much hoping it does.

Not applicable

Re: D.I.D....

Thinking especially of you @Smc 

Not applicable

Re: D.I.D....

Continuing to send up a few extras for you @Smc . 

Re: D.I.D....

Thinking of you @Smc 


Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D....

Ta @Determined, @Former-Member.

The hard run is continuing. I think it's four ER presentations this week? We saw the MHS psychiatrist with Older Daughter today. He's increasing the amount of support she's getting from her caseworker, and also going to get us more closely involved. Last time they said that, it didn't actually happen. I think this time it might. Hope so.

We had the phone ring just before 2am this morning, couldn't get to it before it rung out. Private number- wasn't Daughter or the hospital, still don't know who. Possibly a wrong number, but if so, ooh what awful timing! Am sooo tired, hoping for better sleep tonight.


We're giving Younger Daughter a day off school tomorrow. She's pretty run down too, but has been told by a psychologist at her school that she's coping "remarkably well" given the circumstances. Hubby and I keep being told similar. But even still, it all hurts. 😞

Re: D.I.D....



@Smc ..💜💕

Re: D.I.D....

@Smc  😢

Praying for you and family especially atm. 

Not applicable

Re: D.I.D....

Continuing to keep you and yours in thoughts and prayers @Smc 

Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D....

Thanks @Former-Member. Had a couple of quieter days.

DSP form for Hubby went in today, and we got a friendly and straightforward C'link staffer taking it. Yay, little win. There's a couple more bits of paperwork to chase down for it, then we wait.

We went for a cuppa after that. We're very tired after the past week. Younger Daughter's feeling it too. Not happy about being at school at the moment due to the background stress.

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