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Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Thanks @BlueBay - we have been able to reproduce it too - an issue on mobile but not desktop.

Our developers are working on a fix to this, we'll keep you updated.

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

that module was removed as in the research people found it confusing as it didn’t give any context as to what the conversation was about.

Oh cool, the one change that I was hoping for - an improved latest posts page - has turned into a removed feature (:

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

The "latest post" tab does not appear updating correctly @Former-Member @s-jay


Screenshot at 6:40 pm today.Screenshot_20181023-184047.png



Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

@Former-Member @s-jay this is the same screenshot at around 7:02 pm despite posts being made in a number of threads in the interim.





Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

@s-jay, like @CheerBear and @TheVorticon, I very much miss the latest posts section the way it was, and agree that it would be even better if this was expanded to show more posts. 

I also miss the new threads being shown on the main page for both forums (lived experience and carers). We are now only seeing featured posts. That main forum page was where I used to go to see new threads, sometimes by new members, that I could then read and possibly respond to. I don't know where to find them now. Again, it would be even better if the list of new threads was expanded.

I also miss not being able to navigate directly to the main 'Lived Experience' forum page from the top of each page of the threads. It means more clicks around pages to get to where I want to go.

Also, just thought I'd mention I'm getting occasional email notifications from the thread 'Am Not Coping', even when I am not being tagged there or 'supported' on any posts. I have my email notification settings so that I should only receive notifications of tags and 'supports', so this is an anomaly. It's happened twice now. Don't think it is happening on every post, just the odd one is coming through. This is not a serious issue to me, but thought it worth mentioning.

Otherwise it all seems okay to me so far. Smiley Happy

Edit: by the way, I love the motto 'Acceptance, connection, support. Share the journey.', which is now to be seen in various parts of the forum. Smiley Happy

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Hi @Former-Member @s-jay

The heading for each thread is quite large but the text for each post is tiny.

Are there settings that I can change? 

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

I'd like to echo what @TheVorticon @CheerBear and @Mazarita said.There are two key features that I'm really surprised to see go. Can't say it better than Mazarita:


I very much miss the latest posts section the way it was, and agree that it would be even better if this was expanded to show more posts. 

I also miss the new threads being shown on the main page for both forums (lived experience and carers). We are now only seeing featured posts. That main forum page was where I used to go to see new threads, sometimes by new members, that I could then read and possibly respond to. I don't know where to find them now. Again, it would be even better if the list of new threads was expanded.


@Former-Member @s-jay

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

.. still same old ones re having to log in again after searching a group @s-jay .. um and spelling errors in update .. 😲

Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Sorry @Former-Member

I am feeling disappointed in changes.

Woman SadWoman Frustrated

I understand @TheVorticon sarcasm about the loss of the the latest posts module.

It is interesting for me to learn that so many missed it. I thought I was the only one.  Not sure about the sample surveyed ... but I def asked to keep and improve it.

It effects how a lot of us move around the forum.

To be told that I would find the new system .. "more intuitive"  feels patronising and is straight out wrong.

Did someone buy a marketing slogan rather than understand what intuition is?



Re: Latest responsive update - feedback and queries

Hi @Former-Member, @s-jay,

Just wanted to add some reasoning behind why I miss the 'latest posts' module on the main 'lived experience' forum page:

  • Firstly, it has always indicated the members who have posted recently, and therefore who may be in need of support in (or close to) 'real time'.
  • It is also more conducive to live chatting on the forum, something so many members have clearly valued for a long time. Again, this is because it lets us know who is actively posting at that time, or most recently, and therefore who may be around to chat at that time. This fosters the sense of community on the forum, the 'forum family' feeling that has been so valuable to so many. I have witnessed (and been part of this) in action so effectively for the past three and a half years I have been on the forum. 

I sincerely hope, as do others posting in this thread, that the 'latest posts' section will be reintroduced quickly. I have a feeling the forum may become a lot quieter, with more of a disconnected feeling, without this section operating as it did before (or preferably expanded).