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Natural Remedy --- Do they work

Natural Remedy -- do they work

Hello everyone , I was told today to do natural remedy for my husband`s MI .

what do you think ?? what have you found that works ??


Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

HI @Shaz51 🙂


It's great you're exploring all different options. 


I think what's frustrating about mental illness treatment as a whole is that one treatment can impact people in different ways. I think this is similar for all types of treatment - natural remedies, psychotheraphy, medication etc.

Was the person who mentioned the natural remedy part of your husband's current treating team? I only ask that because medication can impact natural remedies and vice versa - so whoever your working with must be across the full medical history.



Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

Hi Shaz 51,

There is so much out there under the" Natural" tag. I aproach is to be open minded but with great caution. Thats not to say I don't believe and use some natural therapies.  Its so indirvidual.  I rely on my Doctor and medical team as it interfers with Meds.  I find Meditation(natural therapy) is the most important part of my day. My anzieties can take over at times. It took me time to fit it in my day but as it became habit I now know the benifits. It supports my clear thinking, helps me refocus and brings me back to a centred self, connecting to what is really relevant in that day.  You may use meditation /mindfulness already.  Is your husband keen to try, as it is somthing you can do together.  Be really carfull about natural remedies as they tend to targed us when we are unwell and profit from this.

Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

Hello @NikNik, it is great to hear from you

my husband's current treating team -- He doesn`t have one now -- he cancelled the lot and they just said ok , I was taken back as there was no talking , nothing .

so a friend thought it might be a good idea -- my husband is still taking the medication which is good

Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

Hi @Former-Member,

My Husband uses music  therapy when he is low , I Think he should do it more often then he does , I think it would help him more , there is a lot of things he won`t try

Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

I have used meditation and music and literature. 

Regarding supplements I was always cautious as my finances have always been tight.  I settled on fish oil and Glucosamine and herbal teas.  They are long term life-style approaches not a quick fix pill to change things.  I really only noticed the positive effect of the glucosamine after 5 years when I was realising the improvement in my neck, but it could also have been all the exercises I had been doing during that time ... yet I had to say they had made a difference.

I am also wary of the cost of practitioners and so only could afford to see them when husband wanted me to take my oldest to see them. 

My brother has a lot of money and is very gung ho with alternative therapies, but he is dying and desperate.

You have to sift through it and its hardly likely to work unless hubby is onside.

Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

hello @Appleblossom, thank you for your comments

Yes the Doctor wants him to take Mega B , inner health plus  and Fish oil -- have to get him to start taking them on a regular basis again

Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

Hi Shaz51 and All,

This is a great discussion to have as I always considered good treatment of mental illness to include a range of strategies and modalities. Psycho-tropic medication and counselling don't work for everyone, all the time.

It's great that many alternative therapies have their own facualties of education and peer-reviewed journals with a growing body of good research into the effectiveness of various therapies. So it can no longer be claimed that there is no credible research on strategies like nutrition, supplements, meditation, acupuncture or kinesiology for example. It now requires mainstream health services to catch up on all the information in these areas, rather than dismiss them.

There is some good research data on the importance of B vitamins for improvement of nervous system disorders including anxiety and depression, in particular B12. People need to take these vitamins in a broken down form that the gut can absorb, so it's best to consult a GP or naturopath who specialises in using supplements.

We also have good emerging evidence in the role of the gut, which produces 80% of the neurotransmitters like dopamine that feed our nervous system, and help us to maintain good mood and a sense of wellbeing. Our healthy gut flora (bacteria) is constantly compromised by stress, sugar, caffeine and other substances that increase inflammation in the body, as well as medications (especially anti-biotics). We can build up the good bacteria with probiotics, natural yogurt or fermented veges (also spices like tumeric and ginger). This in turn enables the gut to make the neurotransmitters and reduce inflammation. There's lots to read on this topic if anyone is interested.

Sounds like you have a good GP who is taking a broad system approach to your husband's health issues. What have others found helpful for their mental wellbeing under the natural / complimentary therapies are?

Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

hello @Former-Member,hope you had a good weekend

thank you for the information , finding it is an interesting  discussion too, wondering what people think and what people have tried


Re: Natural Remedy --- Do they work

Hello @Barbara, How are you ?

hope you and your family had a nice Easter

Thank you for your comments , yes my husband has tried a couple of things for me , but has stopped because he says they don`t work and it is a waste of money