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Re: Support for L-B

Passionate 🙂




These are real experiences from real people 🙂


That's life, eh?


Hugs to you

Re: Support for L-B

That's what I love about your story, that's what makes it passionate isn't it @tyme 

It's real 🍒🐕💕

Re: Support for L-B

Thanks @tyme 


Yup was gutted but thanks to everyone here have moved on.  I rang and requested feedback on Monday&Tuesday, have yet to hear back from them.  As you say, the interview was good experience which I can use in my next one.  Thanks everyone............Asgard

Re: Support for L-B

Yes, receiving feedback important @Asgard .


Also, from my experience, in the past, when I didn't get a job, I've always told myself that it may not necessarily be because of my skills, but more that I may not be a good 'fit' for their company's culture/climate. I'd rather be 'sifted' out early than find myself in a very awkward workplace where I 'don't fit'.


I was speaking to an ex-colleague today who has been keeping an eye on different jobs. Before applying, she goes and does a visit to have a 'feel' of the place. Today, she named places she would never work, purely because of the 'feel' of it. I've also done this in the past. It's not because of the skill level, but the culture.


I hope I'm making sense. Sorry for the blah.


@L-B , how are you travelling?

Re: Support for L-B

I've interviewed once for a job @Asgard where I thought I was a shoe-in for the position. Truth is sometimes the employer knows who they want to select already.. and I believe you did a great interview. There are so many's hard to understand even with the feedback. You did your best. That’s what matters. Go you!

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @tyme , sometimes the anxiety around work really does my head in but then I prove to myself I can do it. The change in schedule and the more experience I gain helps. I need to get through those hours when doubt takes hold and my confidence wanes.

Re: Support for L-B

Remember we are cheering you on @L-B 


You are not doing it alone.


It's great to see your resilient spirit.

Re: Support for L-B

Thanks @L-B appreciate it

Re: Support for L-B

Happy Friyay! @Asgard @L-B @PeppyPatti @Oaktree @Shaz51 

Re: Support for L-B

Oh you are similar to @Glisten 

Hello @tyme 

You make me feel happy !! 


I'm going to hire someone to help me with my quilts because my hands shake in 2 weeks 😊💜


How are you @L-B ? 

@Asgard @Oaktree @Shaz51 @tyme ??