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Re: Am Not Coping

Sorry. Deleted this because I felt it had too much information. Bit too personal. 


Thanks for understanding. 


Back later, probably.


Re: Am Not Coping

Text comes through automatically @Sam3 but if posts breach guidelines the post will be brought down and the poster asked to alter it by email. Images need to be re-approved.

Life circumstances mostly have lead to me having no friends. I very much isolated myself from others in order to cope after some traumatic events. It was easier than having to deal with stuff and definitely lead to me pulling away from all relationships I had ...including family. Then I threw myself into work for many years and that meant I had little time for anything else. I am in a better place now than I have been for a long time but still very apprehensive about connecting with people (outside of the forum) as I generally do not trust anyone. Here is very different - everyone accepts each other for who they are and can connect occasionally or for some every day - it is a very caring and supportive environment and you do get to know people pretty well. I must admit that there are people here that I wish I knew in real life and maybe the whole 'friends' thing may be different then.

Re: Am Not Coping

That is okay @Former-Member You don't need to catch up too much. Glad you spok to you D so openly today - that is a big step and must feel great to have done that.

No we don't want a repeat of the other night - you had us all worried for you Hon - but so good that you recognise it and will hope that it doesn't happen again for you.

Rave away if you need Hon - we are here listening Heart

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Re: Am Not Coping

Hi @CheerBear 👋💜😘

Coffee or tea. Not having alcohol today lol. Was just thinking occasionally I can. Just felt controlled by D’s father and D concerning it. If that makes sense. 

I hope you’re coping a bit better lately. Haven’t read around the forums. Gets overwhelming. Tend to stick to this one. But I’m happy if you tag me anytime. 

Re: Am Not Coping

Living in Warsaw @Sam3
We will see what happens. Might be easier to live in UK though because if visa laws and such. But long story short, it's for a course I am doing.
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Re: Am Not Coping

@Sam3 . I am a natural introvert. But yes, my PTSD and the circumstances around it slso contribute heavily towards my isolation. Added to that, since my marriage, I lost the few friends I did have. Hubby is extremely possessive, and is a narcissist, making life very difficult. Easier just to isolate myself and give him nothing he can complain about. I used to have work mates, though not outside of work. Then I had to give up work some 18 months ago as hubbys physical health became much worse. Now, I rarely get out of the house except for medical apts and grocery shopping. I do a half day a week volunteering as a visitor in a nursing home when it doesnt clash with caring duties. And Ive recently started going to a weekly one hour long pilates class. I speak to my parents and an ill brother via phone most days. But mostly I lead an isolated life, partly by choice and partly by need.

Sherry 💕


Re: Am Not Coping

Good evening all

Re: Am Not Coping

Just saw the image and the meaning you posted @Sam3 That all applies to my friend @Faith-and-Hope from here - She's been away for nearly 4 weeks now and I miss her terribly Smiley Sad But I have had some wonderful support from other forum members and that has meant the world to me. ....and it is always lovely to meet new members like yourself Smiley Very Happy

Re: Am Not Coping

Good Girl @Former-Member 👍 um funny maybe how alcohol is now under the microscope yet was once seen as healthy/ ‘medicinal’ and op oids ba af yet hooter about to be legal in nz plus o poids @chemist goodo .. was thinking as went for walk today if had a brownie every nite before bed how much more sense my life would make and less damage from prns anyhoo not that on any now. Apparently mothers milk contains canna boids and alcohol .. what do drs really know? Honestly. Synthesised by female human body apparently @Former-Member
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Re: Am Not Coping

Sorry I worried you @Zoe7 i worried myself lol. 

It was a buildup of an incredibly stressful year, trying to get through Christmas is huge for me and feeling controlled by D’s father and D

Now it’s out in the open. I feel it’s under control.