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Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I love easy going days. They are my favourite -- they are arn`t they @utopia , sometime they feeling very strange xxx

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I feel. Crap about it all..... Ahh damnit

@outlander @Shaz51 @soul @utopia @TAB @Zoe7

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

what things are you feeling crap about? i know you said 'it all' but is there something specific or anything triggering you?

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Does it help to ask yourself how the facts balance with how you’re feeling? @MDT sounds like All going good?

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

what`s up my friend @MDT xx

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Specifically it's the hard work for finding a job overseas @outlander and also panicking about whether it is a good choice.. Because I'm not sure taking up just any job will stand me in good steed.

Yeah I know what you mean @TAB but atm the facts don't seem enough 😕

Hey @Shaz51

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

@MDT. This might be a case of just trusting your gut instinct.  You won't know until you get there.  It's a gamble.  A small one.  Just another adventure that you never know where it will take you. 

Enjoy the ride. 

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

thats fair enough @MDT its alot youve been doing and alot that your trying to work out as well

i guess youll know when looking through jobs which ones feel right for you or at least ones your willing to do until something better comes along.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Perhaps I am just overwhelmed with it all @utopia @outlander

The heat could be screwing with my mind too maybe. Making me more tired than I already am.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Plus I'm sick of always worrying about relationships too