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Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Well done. Good to see @MDT

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)


God I am demoralised.

@Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Sam3 @TAB

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

What has happened @MDT?

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

did the psych say something you didnt want to hear @MDT ? 

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

A massive feeling of regret and angst.

I submitted my CV for an analysis to one of the recruiting things and it basically said I was underselling myself. Here's the problem... I don't think I am. What's underselling me is my lack of experience. It's the same old problem I have always had. And this recruitment resume help place wants money to help me with my resume. Forget it. I have spent enough.

I am feeling really demoralised right now. Probably the most in a while.

I'm so lost and have no idea what I should do or try.

I'll have to miss February's session in Warsaw too.

My psych appt was good. Helped me knuckle down my priorities and what I should aim for in terms of looking for work. Here's the problem... I dunno where to start. And Im beginning to think the rest of the world doesn't care what I have to say about anything and that I might as well give up and do a crap 9-5 job.

It's annoying because I know I have potential. I have the right attitude to meet any employer in the middle. I can do that no problem. But it's so hard because I'm not where I want to be.

I have the correct attitude and I am bloody competent but my resume simply doesn't suggest this. EVEN with all the experience with small details and jobs I have had...

It's like I need to be a professional at the age of 25 simply to get into entry level stuff....

I want to give up on it all.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

@TAB Nah not anything I didn't want to hear. It was a good appt.

Just a bad situation atm

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I dont know what to say that would help @MDT but hearing your frustrations

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

hearing your frustrations too @MDT , but don`t give up my friend , we are with you

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Ok interactive night on Channel Darth .. press 1 for humorous response
2 for questioning response
3 for glossy oh hope ur ok oh whats the matter then ?
.... 🙈🙉🤷‍♂️🙊💂‍♀️👨‍🎤👨‍🎓 @MDT

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Lol @TAB
I choose option 1

@Shaz51 @outlander
Thank you both 🙂