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Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

ha ha ha ok @MDT, @TAB Smiley Very Happy

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I'm freaking out

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

I got side tracked @MDT so sorry for the late reply.

I am going to be really blunt with you though - you need to find a path to follow and put all your energy and resources into that area. If you still want to go O/S and do the Warsaw thing then you need employment in the UK. You have the Visa stuff underway and have applied for positions there already - it may mean taking something you are not really that interested in just to get your foot in the door. Once there you can look for other opportunities through employment agencies. There are plenty in the UK that deal with Australian workers with a Visa.

If you decide to stay here then you may also need to work in an area that you are not using your degree for. It is very tough out there but again - once you have something you can work towards an area you want to get into. None of this will happen overnight and it is rare to be able to walk straight into a job you dream of.

I myself had 2 part-time jobs when I was your age - neither in an area I was really passionate about. I ended up going back to uni to do teaching when I was 30 but still wasn't full-time employed until my late 30s. Why am I telling you this - because no matter what we do there are just sometimes when we have to take what is out there and have a longer term plan to work towards.

You are a very intelligent and capable young man but it seems that you are placing so much pressure on yourself and your life to be just how you map it out right now. It seems like you did some great work with your psych today so take some time to sit back, have a break from all this thinking and then revisit what you discussed today. Make a plan A and a plan B (and a C, D, E, etc if you need). You can then be working towards one thing whilst another might happen for you. Patience is key here buddy as these things do take time.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Sorry tried replying cant screen is jumping too much that used to means mods reading in real time anyway will try later @MDT

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

freaking out over what?


oops edit- Zoe has made some really good points and i really think you should take note of what shes says here @MDT 

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

There are no good bosses and easy well paid jobs anymore @MDT just competing against people who would pay, do say anything to get an easy life on arriving in this country Its life. As @Zoe7 says persist define goals redefine do work even if its crap etc etc and having a Path or a path to a goal will help u when things tough. Ok I said that lol

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Ok only just saw response re option 1 well the World really Doesn’t Care @MDT Thats Reality 101 these days. Its dog eat dog, game the system like never before. Ok thats not funny gee this ph on borrowed time its predicting entire phrases and 100% wrong

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Yeh i see what you are saying @Zoe7 and I agree with all of it.

The issue is actually knowing what I can do. Full stop. Like I don't even know what industry. Or what skills can be obtained from what I've done already.

I am just lost. I'm. Not sure how to do these things.

I don't have professional skills and I already knew this.

Recruitment sites are okay. They need specific industries though. I'm not sure which I am.

I see your points. I'm just really confused what to look for.

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Does that make sense @Zoe7

Re: My Story and where to from here.. (very personal)

Like I don't know what or how to look for the right thing.