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Re: What to do with spare time?

Hey @Alessandra1992 

I went in to work today, finished at 1pm, bought a few groceries and fell asleep on the couch. Which was great, coz I woke up feeling worse than before, and late up to the farm. Ah well. Just got home from the farm, still have to hem my jeans, polish my boots, pack my bag etc etc. And I gotta get up at 5.30 to get to the farm at 6.30 to catch and load up the cattle. Sorta glad we get a break after this. The calf I led last week and his mum got 3rd place in their class, so we are taking tomorrow a bit more serious. The little guy has a fair bit of trust in me now, given I've handled each time he's been tied up. Which has been 5 times now. so he's still really new to it.

My friend got me a brilliant colouring in book ("There's no point being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes." Fourth Doctor had it right!) It's called Secret Garden by Johanna Basford. It's got really intricate pictures to colour in, so it's really calming (like a mandala) and theres bugs and creatures to find in the pictures too. So that's gone into the Coping Box. I may try and do a bit of it on Sunday. I just need to stop for a bit.

I'm at the show all day tomorrow, and I was supposed to go to a breed society meeting on Sunday, then my parents in the afternoon for Easter bbq. But I put in an apology for the meeting. Given I am this freaked out already, I don't think a completly packed out weekend is a good thing.

I got a fair bit of the paperwork at work done today, I'm hoping I can somehow get the rest done next week, then the following week I should be on top of it. I've sorta convinced myself if I can get work under control, then I can learn to enjoy my day day off. It's the perfectionist in me coming out, and I am the only one who can do it. 😛

Re: What to do with spare time?

I have The Secret Garden too.. and I am going to buy her newest one..which I saw in a local book shop last weekend....still colouring in Secret Garden as I fluctuate between pencils, watercolours and text as..then there are gel pens and glitter inks...
Looking at a Mandela book and card making I have discovered is incredibly detailed..I think I like colouring in coz it is all in one book...
Aah a fellow perfectionist.. It is a pain really coz it can paralyse us from doing anything coz it won't meet our own standards....good on you for saying No...missing a meeting is crucial that helps us learn the world won't fall over if we skip a meeting..
Good luck with the show..and enjoy the BBQ at your folks' place 🙂