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Re: Craft Corner

@Shaz51 thank you I'm happy you like them 🙂

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Rubyrose1 

I love your floral mosaic pictures! Well done! I'm so glad you've found a way to handle your depression as well. For me personally, that tends to be knitting and crochet as well as journaling. Keep up the great work👍🏻!



Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Judi9877 thank you for you message, I find Journaling really helpful as well when things are getting really hard, I bought myself some A5 sketch books and some charcoal pencils so that I can write dark and bold, it help so really get everything out and later will be useful for my art works maybe
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Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Rubyrose1 @Shaz51 @Judi9877 @ArtistZ 
SO excited to be amongst fellow creatives! 
Those mosaics you shared @Rubyrose1 are just WOW!
Did you come up with the design yourself?
I love seeing it when used as a path of stepping stones in someones garden. Have you got somewhere in mind for them?
I can see them fitting in beautifully in someones garden or courtyard area. 


I’ve been enjoying my morning mandala creations I’ve been doing lately, and as a form of meditation/mindfulness 🙂
They kind of remind me of a different version of them.


I’m curious, what do you create with plants @ArtistZ ?

I also journal on & off in various ways, @Judi9877  - how do you go about it? I’ve always admired crocheting but don’t think I have the patience & eyesight for it. 

How often do you all create? or make time for art making?

Re: Craft Corner


Hi 🙂 I like doing drawings and paintings with lots of imagery and use plants as a go to for linking ideas together visually 🙂


I also like growing flowers and use those to get ideas for colours and shapes 🙂


good question about getting time to create - I'm able to have time at present and it's lovely - have been spending some time today stitching 


Do you get much time to create, @Former-Member ? 

I hope you have a lovely day 🙂

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Re: Craft Corner

@ArtistZ I love the sound of that mixing of materials & imagery. 
And it seems we have a few things in common here Smiley Happy

I love using nature inspiration in my artmaking process. Whether it's a colour, texture or shape that I come across in my observations in the outdoors. My phone is full of photos of flowers or interesting rock formations, natural colourings etc. 

I can't go too long without creating tbh, I try & keep creating in my spare time, outside of work & on the wkd.
I have personally found that if I don't make time for it, even the smallest thing, for too long then it really shows in my mood & spirit. 

It's a big part of who I am & how I spend my time. Smiley Happy

Re: Craft Corner


I have to keep clearing out the photos on my phone for the same reason 😆

24 photos of an interesting rock? Very fair. But when you forget to clean them out the memory on my

phone get full quickly. I deliberately don't send them all to the cloud because I wouldn't go through them and delete 23 of 24 rock photos etc 🙂👍

Re: Craft Corner



Hello @flybluebird I try to spend as much time as I can at the moment doing something creative to help block out all the negative, mean talk inside my mind, I can be so nasty to myself at times, so it's hard to get myself moving but I have been pushing myself to even just do something simple. 



I have even resorted to tricking myself into getting started on something by making myself go outside to have my morning cup of tea at my work table where I keep all my tiles and tools cos I know that once im out there im not going to be able to help myselp from picking up a coloured tile and start thinking about how it might be used, then im done for, it doesn't always work but it's something I guess.  


My ideas either come from out of my head or i'll go have a look at photos on pinterest of things that interest me and will just do some quick drawings not really thinking too much about what they will be used for in the long run, having no expectations has been really helpful for me as I have alot of trouble with having expectations of myself and can be rediculiously hard on myself. just making drawing that make me feel less unhappy with myself and to take my mind of everything that is going on around me that I dont have any control over.


Just making drawing and doodling has helped me come out of very dark places lately and Im so glad i have this outlet that I can choose to share or not .



Re: Craft Corner

Hello @Rubyrose1 , @Judi9877 , @ArtistZ , @CheerBear , @Former-Member 

and others visiting this thread


I really like the artistry and style of your work, @Rubyrose1 . Also, your method of getting started.


Getting past the initial resistance to restarting our activity, is a difficulty that others, including me, also have. I like the way that you use to break that resistance down, with a cup of tea outside.


With Best Wishes



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Re: Craft Corner

this made. me chuckle as I can SOOO relate.
30 images of the sunrise.... all pretty much the same... hahaSmiley Very Happy