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Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

I will try the red velvet, it sounds yum, I haven't seen the Strawberries & Cream? I have seen Cookies & Cream Cup Cakes. I just ate some more Brownies it so morish the way I cooked it. Its just like a Fudge Bar, cooked with oil, & micro waved. I will have to hide it from myself tonite. How on earth do I do that??? oh boy 😛
I haven't got the cyst covered I will before I go to bed. I am waiting for my Coles shopping delivery to arrive.
I hate packing it away, it so painful the way that I am 😞
Are you ok now, & do you think you will sleep ok tonite?

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Lol i have that trouble in my hosue too. I know where all the hiding spots are so bo use hiding anything! @Former-Member

I dont like grocery shopping at all. And putting it away is the worst. I guess its a must though. Cant stay sitting on the floor..

How are your furbabies?

I am kind of ok. I have sorted out one thing. Just lots of things adding up. Stressed beyond belief but maybe itll ease soon. Ive had appts everyday this week plus both home work and second work. Tricky with my hand the way it is. I had to change my pants as the material got stuck on the wounds i have but hadnt realised is popped it open today.

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Oh how horrible you poor thing Your wound got stuck on the material, I can feel the pain!!!!
I've been feeling the cyst with my good hand. I'm sure I am double jointed I can twist my body in so many unusual ways.
Do you want to talk about anything with me? I don't mind as you & I can talk to each other very easily I feel like I've known you for years, funny hey!

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

You don't have to keep your mouth shut with me, I have told you so much about myself that I don't tell others. Even if they read it, I only tell you unless its been a prayer request in CT other than that I've told you all my pain. I know I haven't told you all my past Traumatic reasons for the MI that I have, but I don't talk about those things with anyone as I get overhwlemed myself if I talk too much about my past I start to relive it in my mind. But the body pain & nite mares & a fw other things I will always share as long it doesn't bring you, or another person down. I NEVER want to do that to anyone I have NEVER been self centred or intentionally want to share my pain with another person.
You can tell me as many times as you need to I understand ok.
Love U!

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Thanks @Former-Member yeah i know i can talk here. Its just not very easy for me atm. Its easier to internalise things than to talk. I honestly just dont know what to say. Some things i cant share here due to identity and also my own comfort levels but i cant seem to even talk about anything else.

I know youve shared alot with me , thank you for trusting me enough to share them. You dont have to tell me anything if it makes things worse. I get the nightmares and flashbacks and the effects of ptsd/anxiety and depression.

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Please come back, I am so worried about you, I love you, & I understand. I would love you to come talk about your problems in here with me. You are safe, & I would love to keep you company. We can share our pain, & help each other. I can pray for you, & we can maybe have some fun together, or just keep each other company & be in peace together with our LORD. You & I have more in common than you realize HeavenBound. I knew this when I read what you wrote in the Thread that you started.
If you come here to my Thread you will not have too many others as basically there are not too many that come here, yet all are welcome. There are so many Threads in SF that my Thread here is just one on many. I would be very honoured to have you come here & be with me, I seriously mean this. I have been praying for you since I met you, & I miss you yet I hardly know you, as yet?
Please seriously consider my request, I will continue praying for you, & I will not give up on you, cross my heart.
I love you @Heavenbound 🙂
Your Forever Friend & Sister in Christ JESUS! Amen & Amen! <><<
Please answer soon!
I have Faith! @Heavenbound

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

@Former-Member ❤ ❤ ❤
How are you going today?

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

@Former-Member when your online next can i ask you something? I think youve had an experience similar to this

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Sorry I have not contacted you until now 12:30 AM 21/06/2018
My LT went dead, then I had other problems to deal with. I came on line yesterday evening & started to contact you, & I had more problems to deal with, & had to stop typing. Now I am in bed & I am happy that you are sleeping, & I hope you are feeling better. I will see if you still want to ask me today sometime. I will be back in SF & we can talk then.
Love U!
Bella XO 🙂