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Re: I can’t cope

More miss than hit. @Snowie I’m with you @Bow its just all too hard in a life that is hard enough

Re: I can’t cope

Sorry @Jynx. I missed this. I’ll read it after the webinar. Can it be fixed? 

Re: I can’t cope

Re: I can’t cope

All good @Captain24 - I mean I think so? It's not our issue, it's an issue with the organisation that runs the platform the forums are hosted on, so however long the fix will take, it rests with them. Which is why unfortunately we can't provide updates on the progress of the fix. 


Hope the webinar is going wonderfully! 😊

Re: I can’t cope

It was good @Jynx 


I guess I’m probably one of the few that are having a real issue with it. If it goes on too long I definitely won’t be able to cope. I’m not coping now. Im scared I’m going to let someone down, if they are reaching out. I don’t matter, if I fall through the cracks, it won’t matter I’m not worth worrying about. I just worry about some of the others. 

I know just get over it. 

Re: I can’t cope

I just keep rambling but I need to. One thing about no notifications is no one has to listen. 

Im really struggling. I need to not be alone. I need something but I don't know what. I just feel the need to write again what I’ve already written but I know that’s not allowed. I feel like I’m going in circles and I’m struggling to get of that circle safely. 

Im even alone on here now. This was my connection. Do I matter? 

Re: I can’t cope

But you aren’t alone on here cause I’m on here and I can chat with you at least for a couple mins @Captain24 then I have to go

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @ArraDreaming @Captain24 !


How are you both?


Sorry, I feel a bit like a chook without a head at the moment 🙂


Still, I've missed you all.

Re: I can’t cope

The webinar was fast but so interesting. I have to say I got a fair bit out of it @Captain24 @ArraDreaming 

Re: I can’t cope

I logged on quickly to listen while I cleaned up from dinner but it was right in the middle of bed time for us so I ended up just having to go @tyme