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Time to move on

@Anastasia @Zoe7 @Maggie @Snowie @greenpea 

@Judi9877 @TideisTurning @Former-Member 

@ShiningStar @26aqua and anyone else I've forgotten. 


I've made a firm and indefinite decision that my time and journey with Sane is finished. I am moving forward with my life. I'm thankful to those who I was able to support and who were there to support me. 


I need to move on and forward now. I wish each and every single one of you all the best in life, in love and your journey with the different mental health and life challenges you have. Thank you to all who made time for me when they had their own challenges going on and for helping me to see many things I could not. 


I need to focus on me, my life and where I'm at. It means I have little energy for anything else. I will always hold each one of you and Sane fondly in my memories. 


Much love to you all. 




Re: Time to move on

Hi @Powderfinger 

Sounds like you have made some big decisions in your life and we all will support you in any way we can.

Please remember we will always be here for you if you ever need us.

Take care of yourself and best of luck for the future.


Snowie ☃❄

Re: Time to move on

That is entirely you decision @Powderfinger but we will be here if you decide to come back. It has been great getting to know you and you will be sadly missed but you need to do what is right for you. 


I hope you can move forward and find the joy back in your life. Hugs and hugs and hugs Hon and good luck Heart

Re: Time to move on

@Powderfinger  Thank you for your beautiful words Powderfinger. Wishing you all the best in the future and you know you are always welcome back for a visit to your online friends here anytime you wish. Love peaxxx

Re: Time to move on

I will miss you dear @Powderfinger but respect your decision. I wish you every happiness in life. Much love always. Thank you for being my friend 💐👋💞🙏

Re: Time to move on

Here for you @Powderfinger ❤❤❤

Re: Time to move on

Go well and safely, @Powderfinger.

Re: Time to move on


All the best to you. 

Keep moving forward and enjoying your life

You will be missed and you're welcome back anytime

@Powderfinger Heart

Re: Time to move on


Thank you. Yes, big decisions. Take care. 

Re: Time to move on


This is right for me for now. I am content with my decision. I will miss folks here. I'm grateful for everything. everyone did for me. It's just time to really look hard at me and many aspects of my life. I need a lot of alone time to do this. I feel I actually really need to be alone for a while. i will pop in from time to time, just to say hello. 

All the best with everything @Zoe7