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I am separated and feeling blue

20 years of being with my wife we have 2 children together. Iam so lost and regretful it ended so badly .I was the most of the cuse of it.


Re: I am separated and feeling blue

Hey @Papadave ,


I'm sorry to hear that it must have been so hard. 


You are not alone, even if it may feel like you are at the moment. 


Do you have people you can talk to about what's on your mind?


We are here to listen if you need company.

Re: I am separated and feeling blue

Hi @Papadave 

I get what you are going through. My partner of 22 years initiated separation and we have 3 beautiful children. I’m not going to sugar coat it, it’s been the hardest thing I’ve been through. I too blamed my self for the relationship ending because I had depression and wasn’t able to be my best self. Remember there are two people in a relationship and the breakdown is never one sided. What is getting me through is taking one day at a time, sometimes a minute at a time. Lean on family and friends for help and if needed get some professional help. Look after yourself and give yourself compassion and self care.

Re: I am separated and feeling blue

Hi @BN1 

I am sorry to hear that you had to experience that. 


It is good to hear that you practicing self-care and being compassionate towards yourself. ❤️


Re: I am separated and feeling blue

Hi @Papadave 


Sorry to hear you are going through this, my marriage of 25 years came to an end 2 years ago, and I have two kids. Separation was really hard on me, I suffered anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia and depression for a long time. What I learnt from my own experience, is to give myself enough time to reflect, be in the present moment, heal, and most importantly have the support of my family and friends. I took a career break, cleared my head, and made small achievable goals and worked towards them. The whole break up is never easy for anybody, but we need to be strong and keep going in life. It's not going to be easy, give it time, and you will get through this! In this difficult time, it does help to talk to your friends and family who understand you, also we are here as a community at SANE to listen and support you in your recovery journey. Don't be hard on yourself, we are all different human beings, we think and act differently. Remember to be kind to yourself. I wish you nothing but happiness, take care.